
Submission Guideline

Please add your personal information as requested below and send your abstract file as a word file. The abstract title, authors, institutions, abstract text, references and keywords must be included in accordance in the sample file.

Abstract language is English.

Maximum Number of Words
The abstract body should be composed of a minimum 300 words and maximum 800 words excluding authors and references.

Abstract Submission
The abstract should be prepared as a word documents and the file should be named with the presenter name and last name. The abstract title, authors, institutions, abstract text, keywords and references must be included in the file. The presenting author must be underlined. 
The full text of your abstract must be prepared in English according to ENT Updates Journal Guideline which is available at www.entupdates.org Please send the full text written accordingly by e-mail at ccingi@gmail.com and add the subject of this e-mail as ”Rhinocamp Winter – Abstract Full Text”. Abstract title must be written in mail subject.